This is Deeter.... the most handsome chimpanzee in all captivity today (at least I think so).
This past Friday was our "Sloppy Joe Friday" and rather than using bread as a base for the Sloppy Joe mix, our enrichment coordinator started using bell pepper halves. The golden bell pepper half is slightly roasted and then filled with our vegan Sloppy Joe mix and handed out as treats for the animals.
I really like the expression on Deeter's face because I can tell he is really enjoying his Friday treat. And the photograph of him staring up with the sun gleaming down on his upper lip, it' just a great moment in time.
(In actuality all that Deeter was doing was lifting his head up as he had a mouthful of food and he was trying to swallow but never mind the reality of what he was actually doing....
I prefer to see this as a special moment for Deeter as he stares solemly upward only to be warmly touched by a ray of sun.) SRTello