Dear Friends,
Today is Giving Day for Apes 2019 and Primarily Primates (PPI) needs your help making this the best day of the year. Giving Day for Apes is the fundraising event for sanctuaries that rescue and rehabilitate great apes around the globe. It's a 24 hour event that raises both awareness and money that sanctuaries rely on to house, protect and care for the animals in our care -- for a lifetime.
Last year, kindhearted supporters helped us raise over $45,000 for the sanctuary residents. This year's project will involve the construction of a new ‘Green Space’ unlike any before. Please watch this 4 minute video on YouTube produced by a sanctuary volunteer, to learn more about this year's exciting project:
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ine2gDl3pVM[/embedyt]The objective is to build this green space in the area right next to the current Primadome, which was PPI’s very first chimpanzee-centric enrichment enclosure which opened in March 2014.
The chimpanzees that will benefit from this project are: Thomas, a 20-year-old & Sudio, a 23-year-old, both coming from research labs to PPI in 1998 and 1996; plus, Baxter, now 20 years old, from a German TV show, and most recently the oldest, Bubba, 30 years old last March, born in a zoo and leased to the entertainment industry, and later sent to a lab before coming to PPI in 2004.

Please make a donation for this important project. Our goal is to raise $30,000 for this project and we can't do it without you. In order for Primarily Primates to be eligible for cash prizes, all donations must be made through this link by midnight on October 15th.
Thank you so very much for your continuing support!